The exhibition UN/FEEL was proposed in March 2022 at Bario, Amsterdam. Bario is an inclusive space centred around a bar and a gallery space, with the objective of proposing an all-inclusive safe space for queers and BIPOCs. Through their gallery space they propose exhibitions and pop events focused around community-building. UN/FEEL gathered the works of Sarah Ben, Levi Jacobs, Alexandra Chargeshvili and the very first presentation of the SasaHara Past Lives. The show tackled trauma experiences and our ways to process them, and eventually progress.



Three stories of the SasaHara Past Lives series were presented: ‘Down in the Abyss’, ‘Inferno’, and ‘PINK’. Each story was presented with images and text prints, presented into a runic layout. I was inspired by old Germanic / Scandinavian runes, which were a way of manifesting the invisible/magic into the tangible reality through a carving. Each story was presented through a rune which represents the core concept of the text.



We collectively decided to propose each visitor of the exhibition to bring a flower and put it to dry on the walls of the space. We proposed these flower wall as memorial spaces for all territories currently under attack, bringing generational traumas, deaths, but also resilience.